
Monday, December 5, 2011

Loving Christmas Smells!

This year, for Christmas decorating, I got myself a Christmas Warmer...Bluster.  I love him and I am so glad I had the foresight get him early because apparently a lot of other people loved him too and he sold out early on.  (That rarely happens to me...foresight, that is!)  After much thought, I also purchased two bricks...yeah, the big mama's!   I chose Festival of Trees and Cozy Fireside.  Festival of Trees is in my two rooms with Christmas trees (one real, one artificial... but now you'd never know!)  and Cozy Fireside is in my kitchen.  I am loving it!  I also loved Snowberry and Whiteout and am melting them in my bathrooms. So now the trees are burning bright, the smells are wafting wonderfully in the air, the Christmas music is playing, and I am so happy I have completely ignored the fact that I have presents to buy and cards to get out!

I read somewhere that you really have to check yourself, if you are too busy and not enjoying Christmas and not able to focus on why we celebrate it to begin with, you are doing something wrong.  For so many years, I was so guilty of that. I have decided that each year I am going to take something off the list, whether it be minimizing gifts by buying one main gift for the family or reducing baking to 1 type of cookie (because really, I don't want to hate myself in January anyway).  Last year we did the one big gift for all, but this year I am taking baking off my list.  The only ones coming to my house are healthy eaters anyway so it makes sense.  I know it is just one thing, but you would be amazed how much it helps!  I feel so calm for December 5th!  (okay, maybe a little to calm, but I power up on last minute energy!)   

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